"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dimitru Duduman ~ Judgement Is Here For America --GET READY !!

Judgement Is Here For America --GET READY !!

In 1984, after years of intense persecution, a Romanian evangelist, Dimitru Duduman, was thrown out of his country for smuggling Bibles into Romania and Russia. With the help of the American Consulate, Dimitru and his family came to America. They were picked up at the airport by a Russian agency and taken to a small apartment in Fullerton, California. The apartment had no furniture or beds and to make matters worse, the previous occupants had allowed their dogs to urinate all over the carpeting. Feeling abandoned and discouraged, Dimitru asked God why he had brought him to America. God began to show Dimitru why he was brought to America and the incredible task that lay before him. The following are excerpts from Dimitru's books, "Through the Fire Without Burning" and "Dreams and Visions from God", from his video, "Wake Up America" and from his "Hand of Help" newsletter. These excerpts are not meant to form a message of fear, but to present a message of hope to all those who will stop sinning and turn to God. As I read the following excerpt from a Reuters


Shutdown, debt ceiling: Will the US crash the global economy?

It's Week Three - or Day 14 - of the government shutdown, and the debt-ceiling deadline will hit as early as Thursday. Over the weekend, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) met with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in an attempt to broker a deal, but the only result of that meeting is that both men are publicly expressing optimism about an agreement. On Monday, a planned meeting at the White House between President Barack Obama and House and Senate leaders was postponed. For more on how the progress (or lack thereof) between the parties on a budget or debt-ceiling deal is affecting the global economy, Meghan Lopez talks to Erin Ade and Bob English from RT's new show "Boom Bust."